Linux Paranoia

If you’re the paranoid type, you don’t deny people are watching – you know they are. You encrypt your drives, use SSL-VPN, tor, proxies, and run tails. If not, then you at least care about privacy or have something to hide. This post is for you people. In the following example, it’s a bit extreme, […]

Backdooring DLL’s Part 3

Whaddup fellow crackers. Long time, no see. In this article, we’re going to do something I rarely bother with – Linux! Yes, you can backdoor Linux binaries quite easily. One method I like to use is via the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. Within the header file “dlfcn.h”, there exists a function named ‘dlsym’ which is used […]

CactusCon Reverse Engineering Spoilers

Challenge 1: –[—–>+—-.[—>+—-.+++[->+++++.++++++++.+++++.——–.-[—>+–.+[->++++.++++++++.–.+++++.——-.–.—-.–[—>+–.++++++. Answer: brainfuckingeasy Challenge 2 – “simple” xor crackme with a 55 character password. May make this a higher challenge. Answer: “Waxing my car will not result in expert karate training” challenge 3 – C app, createthread, easy to solve with ida and hex editor or debugger. Change the timeout for WaitForSingleObject to […]