Happy Wednesday!

Hello again!

It’s been a busy week at work. Lots of unique malware. As you may or may not know, malware uses non-conventional things to stay hidden and throw off heuristic analysis.

I see weird stuff. Instructions that make no sense in context like the ‘out’ instruction, blocks of code which perform floating point arithmetic for no reason other than to do it.

I see this on a daily basis. Weird opcodes, memory packing, wacky logic, etc. This week I was unpacking a program that did the usual ‘store everything in the data section then virtualquery / run’ trick. But it was wacky confusing. After unpacking, the binary was different – different md5 / larger, but it looked the same in IDA and immunity. I unpacked it again several more times only to realize the program was making a copy of itself and storing it in the same location I unpacked it from, except it was setting a breakpoint before calling itself. I determined this had something to do with the OpenProcess call which was skipped at the program’s startup, then I lost interest.

How do they do it? They have more time on their hands.

So what did I learn today? I learned how to get the same weird opcodes into my programs even if my compiler throws a shit-fit.

When I tried with my compiler (Pelles C compiler), it said it couldn’t find the opcode.
why u no work
Solution? Hex editor!

Compile your program, inline a nop sled or something easy to identify, then find / replace.
why u work
In this case, I am doing several int3 interrupts RDTSC instructions in a row (0xCC & 0x0F,0x31).
And now we look in the hex editor for the op codes CC 0f 31.
why u work2
See it?
Now what we do is replace the op codes with the ones the compiler didn’t allow us to add and nop out the rest.
I did this to force insert the icebp (int01) break point into my program. Its an undocumented op code which does a breakpoint without setting the trap flag.
Save and we’re good.
There are plenty of instructions out there to mess with. Using this crude method, I can force my instructions into my programs without the compiler giving me shit.

Bye bye for now!

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