A Shellcode Idea

Maybe we’re all a little black hat at times – you have to bend the rules to get things done sometimes.I thought of a couple kinds of shellcode – basically checking to see if the user is in a particular country or timezone.The concept of weaponizing shellcode is nothing new. This is just more fuel […]

Backdooring Plugins

I had this thought speaking with fellow hacker friendos at 2600. Alternative ways to persist. Why not backdoor some popular programs? Sure why not? Today let’s scope in on backdooring some plugins for popular software. I will be covering a bunch of other programs, mainly stuff already on my computer. First plugin to backdoor will […]

More VM Detection!

Hiyo! Defcon was awesome this year. It always gives me inspiration for things to blog about. That said, I want to go over something simple today – more VM detection. I’ll be hitting vmware because I have it, also OpenVZ and KVM because that’s what my old hosts worked on. In my humble opinion, the […]

KeyLogger using DirectX

Howdy! With that painful PIN crap behind me, I can finally be creative again. Today I wrote up a keylogger using C++ and DirectX. I normally dislike C++ because of the bloat, but DirectX and C don’t always play nicely. I’ve talked about keyloggers in the past, and even wrote one using traditional means. Traditionally, […]